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Stained Glass

Statement of Faith

Our Core
of Faith

Our Statement of Faith


We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments in their original writing are fully inspired by God and accept them as the supreme and final authority for faith and life.


We believe that in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, God has revealed Himself and given us an authoritative disclosure of His character and will.


We believe in the sovereignty of the one God, eternally existing in three Persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


We believe that human beings, though created in the image of God, are sinful and guilty and lost without Christ, and that this truth is a necessary preliminary to the Gospel.


We believe that Jesus Christ, as begotten by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, is true God and true man.


We believe that Jesus Christ, as God incarnate, is unique and sinless.


We believe that on the cross Jesus Christ became sin for us, was judged by God and died in our place.


We believe in the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus, His ascension into Heaven, and His present ministry as our High Priest and advocate with the Father.


We believe that the Jesus of history and the Christ of Glory are the same Person.


We believe, because of the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus Christ, that God freely forgives those who are brought to repentance and faith in His Son.


We believe that all who are justified by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ are born again of the Holy Spirit and thereby become children of God.


We believe (i) in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, by which believers are empowered and equipped for service, (ii) in the gifts and in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, and (iii) in the God-given ministries of the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher.


We believe in the resurrection both of the just and the unjust, the eternal blessedness of the redeemed, and the eternal damnation of those who have rejected God’s offer of salvation in Jesus Christ.


We believe that the one true and universal Church consists of those who have been redeemed by Jesus Christ and regenerated by the Holy Spirit; that the local church should be the expression of the one true and universal Church and therefore that the new birth and personal confession of faith in Christ are essentials of Church membership.


We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ appointed the two sacraments of baptism in water and the Lord’s supper, to be observed as acts of obedience and as perpetual witnesses to the Christian faith; that baptism is the immersion of the believer in water as confession of identification with Christ in His burial and resurrection, and that the Lord’s Supper is the partaking of the emblems, which symbolise the broken body and shed blood of Christ, in remembrance of His sacrificial death until He comes.


We believe in the personal and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ in power and glory to judge the living and the dead.

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